Teenage Dating Abuse - Student Assembly

Mahwah High School in conjunction with the Mahwah Municipal Alliance, will be hosting a student assembly by a Partnership For Change on teenage dating abuse.  

A Partnership For Change’s teen dating abuse forums are designed to give high school students information on the important issue of dating abuse.  This dynamic presentation addresses all areas that include: types of abuse, warning signs, dispels myths, how to support a friend who is in an abusive relationship or possibly being abusive, safety planning and resources. 

Below are resources for your reference. We encourage you to have a follow-up conversation with your child which re-enforces respectful teenage dating behaviors.

Resources: Websites

New Jersey Teen Helpline:  www.2ndfloor.org

Break the Cycle:  www.breakthecycle.org

The Safe Space:  www.thesafespace.org (Interactive web page)

National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline/Website:  www.loveisrespect.org

Liz Claiborne’s website for teens:  www.loveisnotabuse.com

National Coalition Against Domestic Violence:  www.ncadv.org    

Choose Respect:  www.chooserepect.org

National Domestic Violence Hotline: www.ndvh.org