Sports Programs

The original focus of the MMA was D.A.R.E.  Because a core strategy for avoiding youth experimentation with drugs, alcohol and tobacco is positive engagement in physical activities with a team, or social orientation, Mahwah Police officers became heavily involved in establishing sports programs which previously were not active or under-supported. Through this approach, programs were boosted in summer recreational basketball, roller hockey, ice hockey and most recently lacrosse. 

In October of 2007, the Mahwah Municipal Alliance reorganized its sports programs in cooperation with the Mahwah Sports Boosters  The street and roller hockey programs previously organized by the Mahwah Police Department and supported by the MMA are now organized by the Mahwah Sports Boosters with continuing support from the MMA.  The change enabled the MMA to tap the Boosters coaching network, expand participation, utilize their on-line registration system and continue to be involved in programs that promote physical development.

The Target Audience

Physical activities the MMA will consider supporting should target youth between ages of 6 -18   

Participant Cost

Sports program costs are usually participant supported, with individual sports programs charging appropriate fees to cover such items as uniforms, equipment, field rental or other related expenses

What You Can Do

Coaches and volunteers are always needed to successfully administer programs.  Interested participants can watch for information by regularly checking this website, and watching for announcements through local schools. If you want to get involved you may contact us directly